The Pros and Cons of Human Cloning

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"To clone or not to clone?" that is the question troubling the mind's of many Americans and citizens all over the world. Imagine how life would become when millions of people start looking alike, acting alike, and thinking alike. There would be no diversity what so ever in today's society. Ban human cloning!, Jean Bethke Elshtain author of "To Clone or Not to Clone", displays a strong argument as to why human cloning should be banned. Cloning may bring advances in artificial organs, cosmetics, and age reduction; but nevertheless it takes away a human's individuality, uniqueness, and basically that person's right to live his own life.

Scientists have high hopes about cloning and what it might bring. They are talking about setting back the biological clocks and even giving immortality. Regenerating human parts is one of these ideas. People who once had a defective heart or liver can now be given a new one grown from their own cells. People who are paralyzed can be given another chance by being able to grow nerve cells. Bald men don't might not have to be blinded by their own reflection, they say. Hair follicles can be taken and grown to give a man the full head of hair and cover up the glare. One of the more disturbing reasons to clone is so that homosexuals may truly have their own children. Scientists can take 23 chromosomes from each male or each female and produce a baby that is actually theirs.

Cloning has many promises but isn't all it's said to be. It has been the talk of the scientific world since the sheep they call Dolly was introduced to the world as the first mammal ever to be cloned. Excitement grew into the desire to create human life. Scientists promised organ regeneration, advanced cosmetics, and the chanc...

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...Wasting 300 lives to artificially create only one is not a sacrifice our country should make.

In conclusion, there are many reasons why cloning shouldn't be done. First of all, diversity could be lost if we have clones. Secondly, It would turn children into manufactured objects designed to possess specific characteristics. Likewise, it could not be developed without putting the physical safety of the clones and the women who bear them at grave risk. Moreover, as Elshtain said: "technology is rapidly gutting our ethics", and it is our ethics. Finally use intuitive sense: It just feels wrong. People might recreate Hitler or some other evil. Whatever it takes, if we suffer in the short run we may prosper in the long run. The benefits to society, in my eyes, far outreach any moral, ethical or religious dilemma that we might face as a society concerning this issue.

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