The Pros And Cons Of US Government

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How should we feel about the statistics of today? The statistics speak for themselves, and we should feel horrible about them. However, talking about how we feel with no action is not the way to go about improving the quality of life for all tribes. The U.S. Government needs to help fix these instead of pushing them under the rug since a large majority of the U.S. population does not know about this. First of all, get rid of those horrible boarding schools and give tribes three options; Option 1: Educate your kids the way you see fit and you will see no interference from the U.S. Government. Option 2: Sign a document allowing the United States to build a school(s) on your reservation that will have the same funding as public schools, and will …show more content…

Like all history, good and bad we need to accept that we did it. America has had several events in its past that would now come off as unethical, however we still need to learn about these mistakes so we can avoid them in the future. It is also important to remember the mindset of the world and individual countries in the past. Yes we now know and understand that these things were horrible, but back in the day forcing Native Americans onto reservations was very popular. The issue is the United States government is very reluctant to come out and say “These past actions were wrong we are sorry, and we will try to make up for it in anyway possible.” If you need a more current example of this, the Japanese Internment Camps are now known to be a group of horribly unethical ideas, but they were widely popular at the time. World War II ended in 1945, it took the United States government 43 years (1945-1988) to come out and apologize for the way they treated their citizens, and even then only gave $20,000 dollars to apologize for six years of torture. So, we need to all of our history good or bad, but speak out against the horrible parts and learn from them so we do not have a repeat in the

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