The Pros And Cons Of Torture

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Imagine there is a bomb under downtown New York City. You have the person who put it there and you have the option to torture him and find out where the bomb is. Otherwise, all of those people will die. So, is torture right? Torture is something that is largely debated among many countries and is one of the leading debates today. It is a problem because it is considered a violation of human rights and a crime against humanity but with terrorists on the loose everywhere what are we going to do? The debate on torture really began after the signing of the Geneva conventions in 1949 after there were talks on the treatment of soldiers in other countries. The real problem now is that many terrorist organizations in the middle east that do not …show more content…

To begin on, Torture could have saved many lives in past scenarios. Many terrible terrorist attacks could have been prevented with torture. According to former Vice President Dick Cheney "the enhanced interrogation program" stopped "a great many" 9/11-like attacks. He also stated the rest of the documents were classified. Some people also debate that further interrogation could have stopped the 9/11 attacks. Furthermore, many think that the Paris bombings could have been prevented if advanced interrogation methods were used. According to the Boston Globe, “a scenario happened where a young girl was kidnapped and her kidnapper was apprehended. He had buried her with only a couple hours of air and she was saved by advanced interrogation methods. This shows that multiple past terror or kidnapping incidents could have been prevented with the use of advanced interrogation methods which can save lives and prevent unnecessary terror. On the other hand, Many future attacks could be prevented also with the use of advanced interrogation methods. A study from Hopkins University shows that “every time a person is waterboarded 3 lives are saved. Also, when the word gets out to terrorists it scares them to face that fate. Another study from the Pentagon also stated: “our methods deter terrorists”. This also leads to the stopping of attacks and the ending of organizations. This information hints at advanced interrogation methods stopping future terrorist attacks and stopping people from becoming terrorists. Lastly, Terrorists have been quitting because of the United State’s use of advanced interrogation on terrorists. Statistics have shown that most terrorists in the middle east join because they need money for their families. Studies have shown that many men in terrorist organizations will quit once one of their friends is subject to the advanced interrogation methods.

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