The Pros And Cons Of The US Constitution

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The U.S. Constitution was written with a great vision to create a strong nation. Unlike the Articles of Confederation, the Constitution is a very well organized and well thought out document that holds a strong bases for the future of America. It was September 17, 1787 that the Constitution was created, just a few years after we broke away from England’s control. In 1777, America’s government operated under the Articles of Confederation. This allowed states to operate independently like little countries. America’s government was weak because people were afraid of the government having too much power. Federalists believed we should be operating as one unified single government so they decided to write a new constitution to create a strong, efficient government. A strong government that gave rights to the people and did not allow one person to have too much power. As the Constitution provided the laws of the land and the rights of its people. It directs its attention to the many problems in this country; it offered quite a challenge because the document lent itself to several views and interpretations, depending upon the …show more content…

The conflict between the North and South played a major role in the development of this document. The North felt that representation in Congress should be based on the number of total people and South felt that it should be based on number of whites. However, The Three Fifths Compromise settled this when it was said a slave will count as 3/5 of a free person of representatives and taxation. Article one section two of the Constitution defines how the population will be counted, obviously there was a strong opposition to this by Southern states like Virginia because their economy was based on slave labor and they had a bigger population because of

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