The Pros And Cons Of The Industrial Revolution

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I stood there swinging the sledge hammer over my head propelling it toward the swing set. The hammer hit with a loud crack and as it did my mother came rushing out. She was all over my case asking why I thought breaking the seat was a good idea. I told her that my older brother had done the same thing merely minutes before and he is not getting in trouble, in fact he was downstairs playing video games living like a king. After I had pleaded my case my mother told me the most famous line every kid hears sooner or later “If your brother jumped off a cliff would you jump also?” I sat there puzzled trying to figure out how I got in trouble for simply following my older brother’s example. Big corporations act in very similar ways, for example, in the industrial revolution, and shortly after, when a business found a market that was flourishing other competitors in that market would amp up their production and in turn would flood the market. …show more content…

The agriculture market has taken a complete turnaround from its origin, because of technological advances leading to a higher rate of production. Agriculture started out as a simple family owned farm where the goods produced were the bare necessities for the family to survive. Overtime crop production focused on cash crops and crop production became easier leading more famers into cities to get jobs in the factories. Agriculture production soared over this time and lead famers to look for a profit not simply sustainability. As production increased rules became more overlooked, therefore government programs were set up to protect the consumer. The Government program set up play favorites to big corporations and punishes smaller business and family

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