The Pros And Cons Of The Death Penalty

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As every day passes, prisoners wait patiently in their dreadful chamber, awaiting their execution day, which tends to result to physical and psychological torture. Consequently, this remains as the so-called righteousness of the death penalty, which is supposed to get rid of murderers, radicalism, and criminals that perform sodomy. Though, there are times when capital punishment goes horribly wrong, initiating the death of innocent prisoners, and instigating the prisoner to go through atrocious anguish. Moreover, the death penalty leads to additional damage to the victim’s family, since the death penalty entails the family to relieve the agony and grief of the death of their loved one for many years. Furthermore, capital punishment remains as the fundamental block to eradicate criminals, however, there are numerous drawbacks to the death penalty that lead to additional damage than solving the problem; therefore, Americans shouldn’t support capital punishment, unless their prepared to perform the undesirable job of killing the prisoners. Nevertheless, there are advocates that support the death penalty, declaring that everybody would benefit, including the victim’s family, which they have …show more content…

However, there are numerous drawbacks that outweigh the benefits, bearing in mind that innocent people die from the death penalty, families go through more pain than closure, goes against the 8th amendment, and used improbably on undermined people. Therefore, Americans shouldn’t advocate for the death penalty, unless their prepared to pull the trigger or insert the needle to the prisoner. Furthermore, capital punishment has resulted to more damage than resoling the crimes that criminals have committed. Whether you agree or disagree, your decision will lead to an impact to the death

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