The Pros And Cons Of The Boland Amendment

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The Rule of Law is a legal standard that requires the government to use its power according to well-established, clearly defined rules, regulations, and principles of a given society. In other words, “the highest level of authority is a body of law that applies equally to all” (Shafritz, Russell, & Borick, 2016, p. 188). This means that the government and its officials are accountable to the laws of the land. That being said, the laws are only as good as the intentions of those who are interpreting them. When Ronald Reagan took office on January 20, 1981, he promised to continue former President Jimmy Carter’s policy of blocking the sale of arms to Iran on the grounds that Iran had previously been designated as a supporter of …show more content…

The Boland Amendment was a series of three legislative amendments formulated to prohibit federal funding of the Contra insurgency against the Nicaraguan government. It is believed that some at the Reagan administration however, chose to take a rather narrow interpretation of the Boland Amendment so as to have it apply only to U. S. intelligence agencies, thereby allowing the National Security Council (NSC), which was labeled as a White House advisory body, not an intelligence agency, to continue the flow of funds to the Contra rebels (Understanding the Iran-Contra …show more content…

The American public expects this and has a right to it. Ultimately, President Reagan did take full responsibility for his actions and those of his administration (Speech about Iran Arms and Contra Aid Controversy, 1987). As stated in the Rule of Law Handbook, ““the “Rule of Law” is an inherently (and frequently intentionally) vague term” and “the term is used differently in different contexts” (Rule of Law Handbook, 2011). The Rule of Law Handbook goes on to say, “from an operational standpoint, any approach to actually implementing the Rule of Law must take into consideration many variables-cultural, economic, intuitional, and operational-that it may seem futile to seek a single definition for the Rule of Law or how it is to be achieved” (Rule of Law Handbook, 2011). In the field of Public Administration there is a highly-defined structure of constitutional, legal, and procedural requirements that are in place to keep those in power in check. That being said, no matter how stringent the oversight, or how well-meaning the intentions of those who serve, Public Service is a complicated field with many landmines to navigate. As the Iran-Contra Affair illustrates, duties, orders, and responsibilities and can easily conflict with each other because there are so many areas of

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