The Pros And Cons Of Smoking

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The government should pass legislation for the permanent ban of cigarette manufacturing, and sales due to the various health problems caused by smoking. Smoking cigarettes not only causes major health problems but it also causes cosmetic problems. Lung cancer is one of the most vicious cancers around and it is caused by long term smoking. Smoking causes yellowing of the teeth and skin, it also causes premature wrinkles and speeds up the growth of facial hair in women. Smoking has also been related to amputation of limbs in people who smoke. Smoking also contributes to the slow healing process in people with diabetes. First, smoking can cause at least twelve different cancers, the deadliest of the twelve being lung cancer. The filthy habit of smoking cigarettes is the leading risk factor in not only developing this horrible disease, but eventually and inevitably dying from it. In addition to lung cancer one who smokes may also be diagnosed with COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) or asthma. COPD and asthma both affect the lungs by making it hard to breath. While, asthma does not initially come from smoking it certainly makes having it worse. Having either COPD or asthma really depletes one’s everyday life by making a simple walk to …show more content…

Developing type 2 diabetes is almost 50% higher for smokers than for non- smokers. Smoking with diabetes can and will lead to other complications. For example, kidney disease is at an all-time high among diabetic smokers. In most cases kidney disease leads to dialysis treatments because the kidneys are not filtering the liquid in the manner that they are supposed to. Dialysis patients have a life expectancy of five years once treatment has begun. However, smoking cuts the five years down significantly. In most cases amputation is unavoidable in dialysis patients, and smoking only makes diabetes and the risks associated with the disease

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