The Pros And Cons Of Labor Unions

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What exactly is a union? Labor unions were formed to protect the rights of the individual workers. Alone, one worker could not demand anything, because he could be easily fired and not hurt productivity while a replacement was found. When workers banded together they could affect change because it would be impossible to dismiss everyone and still produce a product (make money). So they were allowed to collectively negotiate for decent pay and working conditions. Labor unions are still the only advocates for the rights of individual workers. What is my credibility? When I was working for a grocery store I almost got fired because I broke a bottle of wine. They wanted to garnish my wages and when I argued they threatened to fire me. Luckily for me I had joined the union when I was hired without really thinking about the consequences. Someone suggested to me that I contact one of the representatives, which I did. After that I never heard anything that incident again. So as a former union member and strongly believe in strengthening workers’ rights. First, I will discuss the problem facing unions today Second, I will cover the misconceptions and legislation that act as barriers to a solution Third, I will talk about a solution for Union memberships are decreasing everywhere across America. In 1983 memberships stood at 20.1% and have decreased to 11.3% in 2013. Private-sector unions, in other words non-government unions, have decreased to 6%. Without members unions cannot collect dues which can then be used to bargain for better pay and working conditions or contributed to pro-worker campaigns and organizations One reason for the decline in unions is antiunion legislation that has been passed by congress. One example of this type o... ... middle of paper ... ...are were public misconceptions and antiunion legislation Third, I talked about the solution While these issues may or may not directly affect anyone in the audience a fair and safe working environment is something that everyone can understand is a good thing. States with high union memberships have better wages and working conditions regardless of whether you are a member or not. America is not supposed to be a land of equality, it is meant to be a land of equal opportunity, and for many people this opportunity is made possible due to benefits of the union that they are a member of. The growth of anti-unionism will only serve to lower wages and working condition for an underrepresented portion of Americans. By not supporting ‘right to work’ laws will strengthen unions by preventing the unnecessary financial burdens that are forced on them because of these laws.

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