The Pros And Cons Of Internship

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II. F. How could classroom experiences have better prepared you for your internship?
Having an internship is very beneficial experience for students and the business sectors and universities involved. The universities that include internship programs in their curriculum, classroom experiences of students in different fields should be improved by providing students more actual application of theories learned through group works and projects. Though university professors are knowledgeable in their area of specialization, an occasional invitation of experts in the modern media to provide lectures and forums is very valuable to further provide students deep knowledge of what is going in the world of media in reality. Although erudite books with brilliant theories are good, there should be also a tangible translation for theories through actual practicums with companies working in the same fields.
Other things that could have contributed to preparing students before internships are hosting some experts who have former long years of experience in the domain of media. Such professionals can lecture students and provide some tangible cases as brainstorming activities. Professionals should be of different media sponsoring …show more content…

That can be through a coordination with some companies that can offer such opportunities and connect learning with practice. The university also has to follow up with the company regarding the students’ improvement through getting regular appraisals that reflect their progress. Weaknesses of students should be addressed by the university and finding ways in how to bridge those gaps. Making sure that the student is ready for the labor market involvement is the duty of the university. The university also can see if the company can provide future opportunity for exceptional interns who did well during their program as a way of

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