The Pros And Cons Of Gun Control

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Gun Control sparks a controversy in today’s society. While conducting my research, I learned that gun control is a growing issue in America, because guns are easy to access and people find loop holes in gun control laws. In this research I looked at five different viewpoints on gun control. The first article I read was by Richard Aborn, Aborn argument was teaching safety at home for the children will help prevent school shootings. The next article I read was by Matt Bennett, his claim was gun control can prevent school shootings. Another article I read was by Jeffrey Goldberg, his main point was there should be stricter gun control laws for gun industry and people who own them. The fourth article I read was by John G. Malcolm and Jennifer A. Marshall, they talk about how gun control laws will not help prevent school shooting. Their article goes against Bennett claim, which is gun control laws can help prevent school shootings and he support his claim by providing evidence. …show more content…

As this topic keeps growing, people began to have different viewpoints on how to prevent any future school shooting. For instance, Aborn states that if parents start teaching their children about gun safety at home, the number of school shootings would decrease. Aborn believes that the government should start doing research on why students use guns against their peers and how social media promotes violent behavior. I agree with Aborn statement because there are tons of explicit content online and social media. For instance, before the shooting in Parkland shooting occurred, the shooter posted a video on YouTube. The shooter told the viewers he was going to be the next school shooter. The internet allowed the shooter to explain what his goal was and how he wanted to get revenge. If the government paid more attention to social media, then the Parkland shooting would have never

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