Golden Rice Debate Essay

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Researchers have been experimenting with golden rice for years, but no one is able to say, without a doubt, that golden rice is safe and healthy. When golden rice was first created scientists were extremely excited because they believed that they had finally found a way to end hunger and malnutrition. However, as researchers looked closer they became aware of the fact that golden rice can cause major health problems. Golden rice gets its golden pigment because it is genetically modified to provide more vitamin A.
Scientists and researchers tend to have a bad habit of only telling the positives and forgetting about all the negatives. After learning and debating both sides of the golden rice debate, I oppose the use of golden rice in developing nations. In the golden rice debate a major point was brought up, golden rice can reduce childhood blindness caused by VAD. At first glance, this statistic seems like a major pro in the argument, but continued research showed that golden rice is very hard to digest, especially if that person does not have a …show more content…

Her main focus was ensuring people that genetically modified food is safe to eat. Many of the facts that Dr. Ronald stated seemed very convincing, but having previously done the debate I found it very hard to believe some of her facts. She mentioned how eating a cup of the golden rice a day would be enough nutrients for the entire day, however, in the information that we used over the debate we read that woman needed to consume 11 pounds of golden rice. During the TED Talk, I could tell that Pamela Ronald had a lot of knowledge about genetically modified food and golden rice, but I was constantly wondering if she was leaving out important negatives to both genetically modified food and golden

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