The Pros And Cons Of Gay Adoption

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Many states are denying children healthy, loving homes simply because of a potential parent’s sexual orientation or marital status. Many oppose gay adoption due to religious beliefs while others debate it politically (Gray, 2006). In today’s society, many children grow up to be emotionally stable and successful whether they have a heterosexual couple as parents or a homosexual couple as parents. Gay parent adoptions are an equal right, as they are becoming more mainstream and as equally as stable as heterosexual adoptions.

Problems arise when the biological parents abuse or neglect their children, then the children are placed into foster care. It is then that the biological parents of the children have two years to complete counseling or a treatment program to regain the custody of their children from the State. If, after these two years the biological parent has not been successful in their program, the State maintains legal custody of the children and the children are then legally up for adoption. All parents must complete a home study (parenting classes) to verify their competency. Once completed, the parents search for their adoptive child. Studies have demonstrated that a child’s well-being is affected much more by their relationships with their parents, their parents’ competence and security, and the presence of social and economic support rather than by the gender or the sexual orientation of their parents (Averett, 2011). Gay couples are raising more than 1 million American children (Averett, 2011), many from heterosexual couples who have substance abuse issues or have physically abused their children. Many studies of young children of same-sex parents have indicated that the children develop and adjust quite...

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...ctive way at socializing their children than heterosexual parents (Prince, 2007). The socialization factor plays an important part in the school years and typically wards off bullying (Prince, 2007).
The American Academy of Pediatrics approves of gay adoptions and states that it is not a political issue but an important issue regarding the well-being of children (Associated Press, 2002). Gay couples can provide a loving, stable and emotionally healthy family life that children need (Associated Press, 2002). Gay parent adoptions provide children with the psychological and legal security that comes from having two willing, capable and loving parents (Associated Press, 2002). Pediatricians need to be more involved because gay parenting is becoming more prevalent and doctors are increasingly treating more children in same sex households (Associated Press, 2002).

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