Essay About Fishing

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Fish and fishing is a big part of today’s food industry. Millions of farmers and small scale fishers (mostly poor) depend on fishing and agriculture. Fishing increases peoples food supplies, high nutritious animal protein and micronutrients. About a 100 million tonnes of fish are eaten world-wide each year, providing two and a half billion people with at least 20 percent of their average per capita animal protein intake. Fisheries are currently said to be providing over 16% of the world’s protein. Fish and fishing is a lot more important in the developing countries because it is a cheap source of protein. Sustainable fishery ensures that there will be enough population of ocean and freshwater wildlife for the future. But in today’s world, fish are being fished more than being produced. Most of the world’s population is overfishing leading to unsustainable fishing which is awfully bad for long term fishing supplies.
There are quite a few types of unsustainable fishing practices, some of which are dynamite fishing, electro-fishing, cyanide fishing and bottom trawling. Dynamite fishing is the act of killing a number of fish at once with explosives. These bombs kill some wish and hurt the others destroying their homes and the places they live in. This type of fishing can …show more content…

Reducing the amount of carbon used by your fishing boat will help cause minimum harm to fish and marine life and will contribute to sustainable fishing. Use lead free fishing equipment. According to the U.S. environmental protection agency, lead harms fish causing them muscular problems, reproductive problems, stunted growth and sometimes even paralysis. Avoid leaving junk on beach shores because this goes into the seas and rivers and fish get fooled into thinking that this is food. They eat it and eventually end up suffocating. Fish going extinct is just a few steps away if these sustainable fishing practices aren’t

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