The Pros And Cons Of Euthanasia

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Mid-Term A very important question that arises today is whether euthanasia be legal or illegal. Euthanasia is defined as “the act or practice of killing or permitting the death of hopelessly sick or injured individuals (such as persons or domestic animals) in a relatively painless way for reasons of mercy” (Webster). Doctors, Pastors, and normal day citizens are on both sides of the issue of euthanasia. Euthanasia is currently only legal in the states of Washington, Oregon, California, and Vermont. Through carefully looking at euthanasia, this paper will focus on three reasons euthanasia should be illegal. The following three reasons will be examined as to why euthanasia should be illegal, the power it gives to doctors, alternative treatment, and moral values. One argument against legalizing euthanasia is the belief that it allows Doctors too much power, and they may abuse the right of a patient’s choice to end their life. A story published in the Toronto Sun spoke of Doctor Virginia Souza killing seven patients to free up bed space. Investigators were able to take her …show more content…

Christians believe it is God who gives life, and he is the only one that can take life. Another problem with Euthanasia is that the person suffering feels they are a burden. The feeling of being a burden pressures the person to go through with euthanasia. The patient has to learn and believe they are not a burden and God cares for them. Christians also believe to everything there is a purpose. A suffering patient with a life treating illness may grow and learn more about who they are, and they might grow closer to God. In the book of Ecclesiastes God says to everything there is a season. Humans might not always know why certain situations happen, but a Christian believes God has a plan through It all. In the book of Romans God said to rejoice in suffering because we will learn endurance and

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