The Pros And Cons Of Eating Obesity

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This paper will be talking about the three main parts of avoiding obesity. According to Taylor, Parento, & Schmidt (2015) obesity is putting people around the world in higher risks of getting “health problems” such as diseases (p. 258). Having a proper nutrition can help a lot when trying to avoid or get rid of obesity. Eating fruits and vegetables with vitamins and fibers help out with someone’s body system which is opposite of consuming fats and sugars which usually just stay in the body. The only possible way to get rid of fat is by doing physical activity because it helps burn all the calories inside the human body. Ferkel, Judge, Stodden, & Griffin (2014) recommend a child that does physical activity to transition into adult hood to keep …show more content…

(2015) obesity is becoming a public health problem in the world (p. 258). Obesity is increasing in adults from 15% to 30%, 5% to 18% in adolescents and 6% to 19% in children as stated by (Ferkel, Judge, Stodden, Griffin, 2014, p. 219). Obesity occurs when someone has a poor unhealthy diet or no type of physical activity. If an adolescent consumes plenty of fats and sugars but does no type of physical activity to burn off those calories than most of the fats and sugars will be stored inside their body as fat. 1 out of every 3 adolescents are now being considered obese; by reason of, children spending more time using technology instead of going outside to take part in physical activity. Physical activity is very important to burn off calories and fat which can be helpful when trying to prevent obesity or also treating it. Obesity is increasing rapidly throughout the nation making it a public health problem; obesity develops when someone has an improper diet, lacks of physical activity and their emotional …show more content…

It is estimated that about forty-three million children under the age of ten are obese and that was found in urban areas. One of the main reasons obesity develops is due to the fact that the child, adolescent or adult has an unhealthy diet. Good nutrition plays a huge part in everyone’s life; no matter if you’re a male or female good nutrition is always important. Keeping us healthy, nutrition reduces the risks of developing diseases such as chronic disease, stroke and also cancer. Good nutrition is also important because studies have shown that it is good for mental health including depression which is also linked to obesity. A proper diet consists of healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables, fiber foods and limiting fats or sugars. Eating fruits and vegetables is important when developing into an adolescent or an adult because vegetables are rich in vitamins A and C, also fibers and potassium which are excellent for the human body (Fuentes, Schellekens, Dinan, & Cryan, 2015, p. 52). Vitamins and fibers help the human body by shaping our bones, helping immune systems, and healing certain

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