The Pros And Cons Of Coeducational And Co-Sex Education

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The education of an individual is crucial to their success and character in future life. A persons adolescent years defines who they are by the way they interact with their school experience both educationally and socially. Australia is known to have a well established educational system, having many paths and subject choices to help cater to the success of any students chosen career and preferences. Australia's secondary schooling system is comprised of both single sex, and co-educational high schools as a choice towards secondary school education, which often falls upon the parents decision to which schooling their child will attend. It is still a strongly opinionated debate whether single sex schooling grants any advantage in the education of the pupils attending such schools. Most suggest that single-sex education prevents distractions of the opposite sex and allows the school to cater to gender specific needs. While others disagree saying that the education between both sexes grants the same outcome of education and allows students to have more gender equity. The Education of both coeducational and single sex schooling in Australia is at a high level, yet their is research indicating that their are negative or neutral effects of attending a single sex school compared to the results of a coeducational schooling.

A schools most crucial factor is the efficiency of its education system. This is the ability the school possesses in order to ensure that its students reach the best of their ability and achieve high grades. Single sex schooling through recent studies has shown that there may be fewer educational advancements from separating sexes, as once thought. It is an important point to take into consideration that most, if not ...

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...certain aspects, singled sex schooling can benefit females further than it can for males, indicating that their are benefits to both types of schooling.

In conclusion it can be be seen that their is no real benefit towards either single sex or coeducational schooling when the background qualities of an independent student are taken out of consideration and the bigger picture is then assumed. With this in mind the most neutral aspect between the two that presumed greater quality in schooling was that of a coeducational schooling with its favourable factor of a higher catered environment that ensured more enjoyable school years with a deeper understanding in the social aspects of future workplaces. Therefore it can be perceived that their is no greater achievement of a higher education in sending a student to a single sex education over that of a coeducational school.

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