The Pros And Cons Of Chemical Warfare

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If a nation possesses anything nuclear, radio chemical or biological that is capable of killing and bringing significant harm to a large number of humans, there is no saying what level of power and trouble said nation could cause. Chemical warfare involves using the toxic properties of chemical substances as weapons. Something as serious as sending chemical substances to a foreign country with the implications of killing a large number of civilians requires immediate attention. The only country to have used a nuclear weapon in war is the United States of America. Two bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II which clearly shows us how threatening weapons of mass destruction are. There are eight countries that have declared I think it’s safe to say that no civilian would get another night of peaceful sleep knowing that they are unprotected and live in a world of terror. Instead of using weapons as defence mechanisms, why not stop using destructive weapons altogether so one would inherently have less to defend himself from? There are two ways to destroy chemical weapons. The first method, incineration, involves the burning of liquid agents in furnaces at a very high temperature. For chemical agents in bombs this is a multistep process. Neutralization, the second method, destroys the chemical agent by mixing it with other chemicals and hot water like Sodium hydroxide and hot water. The way I see it, the reason for war is directly related to the fact that any country would feel responsible to react towards the alleged possession of weapons of mass destruction present in any other country. I believe it is correct for the United States of America to carry out a UN authorized investigation in Iraq to search for any weapon present on Iraqi soil. If a country does not believe in using weapons of mass destruction for any destructive purpose as such, and sees no harm in keeping said weapons in the nation’s soil, why have those weapons in the first place? You can run with a lie, but you can’t hide from the truth. It will catch up to

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