The Pros And Cons Of Censorship In Schools

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Censorship in libraries has been a long debated topic in America for years. There have been multiple comparisons made between the pros and cons of eliminating any media that may be found offensive or crude, however censorship in libraries or in any place should not be allowed. Censorship against media containing anything that may be seen as offensive, causes unnecessary conflicts, obstructs the developing of different ideas and opinions, and goes against two of the freedoms that America was founded upon; Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Press. Censorship prevents the nurturing of different ideas and opinions by students. In America, we pride ourselves on the belief that all people are subject to their own ideas and opinions an will not be forced to think a certain way. We protect this ideal by living by two of the ten freedoms and rights that the Bill of Rights gave us in 1791; Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Press. If we eliminate certain texts or medias that are subject to the discretion of any individual, we create an educational barrier that not only makes students and individuals …show more content…

There are conflicts of interest in everyday life, and by taking away the exposure to real life ideas and conflicts, the student is given the short end of the stick in the long run by being unprepared for real life issues. Conflicts between parents and teachers are another con when it comes to censorship. Many times, when teachers want to challenge the minds of their students and expose them to the ideas of other people, past and present, parents take offense and cause the child to feel confused about who to listen to and what the real issue is. When there is the right to not let a student learn about certain ideals and opinions, there is a lack of variety in the development of the student's

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