The Pros And Cons Of Bullying

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“Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. Bullying includes actions such as making threats, spreading rumors, attacking someone physically or verbally, and excluding someone from a group on purpose” ("What is Bullying |," n.d.).
“Cyberbullying is different from traditional bullying because people can use the disguise of “anonymity” to harass their victims. One needs only a valid e-mail address to create or participate in groups online, so it is very easy set up “fake” accounts and bully anonymously. Because anonymous comments and actions aren’t connected to the individuals doing the bullying, they are free to do as they please without repercussions. Similarly, cyberbullies often choose to target victims who live far away. They do this because there is a much smaller chance that the victim will be able to hold them …show more content…

Parents are often the best resource to build a child 's self-confidence and teach him or her how to best solve problems. Talk to your child 's teacher about it instead of confronting the bully 's parents. If the teacher doesn 't act to stop the bullying, talk to the principal. Teach your child nonviolent ways to deal with bullies, like walking away, playing with friends, or talking it out. Help your child act with self-confidence. With him or her, practice walking upright, looking people in the eye, and speaking clearly. Don 't encourage your child to fight. This could lead to him or her getting hurt, getting in trouble, and beginning more serious problems with the bully. Involve your child in activities outside of school. This way he or she can make friends in a different social circle” ("What Parents Can Do — National Crime Prevention Council,"

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