The Pros And Cons Of Appeasement

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Appeasement is the process or act of “pacifying or placating by acceding to their demands. In 1935, a naval agreement was signed by Britain and Germany. It was an agreement primarily associated by Neville Chamberlain - who became the prime minister of Great Britain in May 1937. Appeasement in that case was Britain giving Germany what Hitler wanted in hope that he would - at some point become satisfied and draw back on his aggressive actions. This policy lasted for three years - until France and Britain realized that it was hopeless, and that Hitler would always want more. The decision of Appeasement was strongly advocated by Chamberlain, as it was shown in a letter written to his sister on June 1938. Chamberlain was confident that appeasement would stop Hitler because of several reasons. At the time, he had many British people supporting him, as well as politicians - which gave him confidence relating to this issue. Chamberlain also had bigger threats, such as the spread of communism - which resulted in them not considering Hitler as their biggest problem. However, the appeasement di...

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