The Power Of Words In The Book Thief

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The Power of Words Allowing for Survival
Words are things people use and hear everyday, although they give individuals the power to communicate, they are certainly not as influential or manipulative as they have the ability to be. Nazi Germany is a place where the use of immense power of combined letters is perfected. The Book Thief written by Markus Zusak outlines the ability Hitler has to persuade and convince everyone about what he believes, and shows that his power of words is the only thing that has leads him to gaining power of Germany. Another character is Max, a Jew that is hiding and running for his life, he uses his words in hope for survival. In addition to Max, Liesel’s use of words is shown throughout this novel as her words help …show more content…

In the novel, Max uses someone else's words to his advantage, having possession of Hitler's book allowed him to survive. “...It was only two words he ever tasted. Mein Kampf. My Struggle...all of the things to save him”(160). Max uses Hitler's powerful words to help him get through his tough times as life as a Jew in Hitler's rule was almost impossible. He was motivated in having that book to help him survive. In addition to this, when Max is sick, Liesel uses words to keep him awake which ultimately helped Max stay alive. “I'll read to you. And I'll slap you if you start dozing off. I'll close the book and shake you till you wake up...he sat in bed and absorbed the words”(334). While Liesel reads these powerful words to Max when he was sick, it shows that the reading could have saved his life. Without Liesel reading to him, he could have possibly died. Although Max has great hope for survival, he ends up experiencing this hope one last time as he heads to the concentration camps. When Liesel repeats the words from the story Max had written, he is given the hope for survival. “Better to stand proud and resolute. Let the words do all of it. ‘Is it really you? The young man asked’ she said ‘is it from your cheek that I took the seed?’” (512). This is very important because it gives Max one last hope for survival through the camps and ends up working out. Max's journey …show more content…

The first book Liesel steals when her brother passed away, is a symbol of her mother and brother, giving her a sense of safety and allowing for a more comfortable survival in her new home. When she starts reading the book, the words give her a sense of relaxation and make her want to read more. “The point is, it didn't matter what the book was about. It was what it meant that was really more important” (38). This is very important because this is when Liesel starts to realize how much she loves books and when she starts to use her words powerfully. Also, words not only comforted Liesel but they also comfort everyone in the air raid shelter. During a life or death situation, words help ease her existence. “...soon a quietness started bleeding through the crowded basement. By page three, everyone was silent but Liesel...the youngest kids were soothed by her voice”(381). During the times in the air raid shelter, everyone is extremely scared. Bombs are being dropped very close to them and everyone is in a panic state of mind. When Liesel reads to them, it calms everyone down and helps people relax. This just shows how powerful words are even in the worst times. Lastly , Liesel is the only one to survive the unexpected bombing that happened when most people were asleep, but words had literally saved her life. “She survived because she was sitting in the

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