The Positive And Negative Examples Of Social Change In Society

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Now that I have finished reading every word from these two chapters I will define the term of a ‘social change.’ I will also explain why social changes happen among societies. After this I will enhance my explanation by providing both positive and negative examples of ‘social change’ within the societies. I will then began to discuss why these specific changes are taking place and the long-term effects that they have previously had in the past occurrences. What is a ‘social change?’ According to the “Introduction to Society” book a ‘social change’ is “the change in a society created through social movements as well as through external factors like environmental shifts or technological innovations.” Social changes can occur from both customary things and …show more content…

Well, as I have further educated myself on this chapter we can conclude that social institutions, population, and the environment are three of many factors that are causing these ‘social changes’ to occur. First we can look social institutions and how they help to inspire these ‘social changes’ to happen. An example used in the “Introduction to Sociology” book is “the industrialization of society meant that there was no longer a need for large families to produce enough manual labor to run a farm. Further, new job opportunities were in close proximity to urban centers where living space was at a premium. The result is that the average family size shrunk significantly.” Well, social institutions are patterns with behavior and relationship coordinations. These two factors are functioning throughout every society. This helps to basically construct the behavior skills of a singular person, it can also help to determine the character of a person and how they act and look upon a society. This helps to convey how things like governments, schools, and works teach or regulated a given system. Each and everyday it is changing and it can be both negative and positive

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