The Pluralist View of Mass Media

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The Pluralist View of Mass Media

Pluralism is the belief that power is spread widely throughout the

world. It is a belief that companies or powerful groups are competing,

but within boundaries of consensus and compromise. The idea of

pluralism descends from functionalism. Functionalism is the view that

society is structured; every institution in society fulfils certain

roles and functions. If there was a disruption in one of these

institutions then it could affect the stability of society as a whole.

Functionalists believe that if something didn’t serve a purpose then

it would not exist.

The pluralist view of the mass media is based on this simple belief.

Pluralists believe that the reason some newspapers or other forms of

media seem biased is because they “simply respond to demand.” The

public has the buying power and the media are simply trying to appeal

to this. If they begin to put forward their own opinions or beliefs

about certain issues, then they are only appealing to the people who

share these ideas. If these ideas are extremely controversial then a

very limited amount of people would buy the newspaper. Therefore, if

the newspapers want to sell very well and make a profit, then they

need to portray views, ideas and beliefs appealing to the majority of

the public otherwise they would “risk going out of business.”

Basically pluralists are saying that the mass media is a democratic

organisation, as it is the public who decides which media product is

successful. “If the media have any influence over people, it is

because they reflect and reinforce society’s basic values, not because

they impose their ideas on the public.”


... middle of paper ... usually results in the want

to eradicate men from women’s lives completely, resulting in

lesbianism. It is the most extreme form of feminism; it is fully

built on the foundation belief that men have a desire to control


Marxist/Socialist feminism believes in discrimination, and that all

types of ideological control benefit capitalism. It is not only sexism

tied under this belief but class, sexuality, disability and ethnicity.

After looking at several issues to do with the pluralist view on the

mass media, I believe that this ideology gives us a reasonable amount

of accuracy on how our media system works. Marxism and feminism both

challenge this ideology; however they cannot challenge all of the

pluralist ideas successfully. They simply do not hold the answers to

some of the pluralist questions.

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