The Place Of The Village Priest Summary Sparknotes

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John is the son of a priest. He is an adventurous person, he’s very curious. These characteristic contribute to the story because its his intuition and his curiosity that takes on the journey he is in. He also defiant because he knows that the Place of the Gods is forbidden and he still chooses to go. He says he’d rather die than to not be at peace with his soul. Finally John is determined because knowing that the path to The Place of the Gods is a dangerous adventure and he was putting himself at risk but he did it anyways.

John , was destined by faith or destiny to become a priest. His father or his mentor who has guided him all throughout his life into the journey of becoming the village priest. But John has plans of his own. In the first place, John had a vision , a dream and it was not to be a village priest. He wanted to discover who he was truly destined to be , and in order to do so he went on a journey. In the light of knowing what he was going to do was not only wrong but also forbidden, he knew it was necessary. John felt the compulsion to travel on this expedition to the Place of the Gods. The place that had been forbidden by his village and his tribe. But he wanted this , to find his true self and to grow as a person

This story takes place in the future. When John …show more content…

Overall, we learned how our main character John felt all throughout his rough journey. This was important because it only made the story more attention catching and realistic. Curiosity takes a big role in this story because of the need to know more about the world John lives in. It’s understood that this journey wasn’t to The Place of the Gods but it was to the road of manhood. After all , John was looking for a purpose because he knew , deep in his heart that a village priest was not his

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