The Personality Of Mary Tudor

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“When I am dead and opened, you shall find calais lying in my heart.” ( Mary T) This is a famous quote from Mary Tudor. In this quote she is telling the world how she is mean and cold hearted. You can tell by her own words she is vengeful and full of hate. Mary Tudor was born on February 18th, 1516 at the Palace Of Placentia, Greenwich. Mary Tudor's parents are Henry VIII of England and Catherine of Aragon. Mary was the only child that grew up to be an adult of Henry VIII and Catherine. Mary’s famous nickname was “ Bloody Mary.” Mary’s education was very little but she was tutored by her mother and scholars, she excelled in music and language. Mary Tudor was successful because Mary Tudor was the first queen regnant of England on the date …show more content…

Mary was some what happy in different places, times, and who she was with. Mary was a very miserable queen. Not a lot of people like how she ran the palace. With all the hate on her she was not always happy. I would say her personality is, she really does care about people think. Mary’s likes and dislikes, her dislikes were her half-sister, half-brother, and predecessor. Mary's likes were having a lot of free time. Which is meaning she did not have kids or a husband. Although that did change when she was worried about not have children to be the next queen when she died. Mary’s challenges in life were being queen and having to deal with all the hate from all the town people. These were a big challenges, but I do really think she overcame them. I think this because in many articles I read about Mary Tudor, it said that at first with all her struggles her life was really hard. Than, after that all kept happening she got used to it and it was just okay to her after a long time of the hateful and critical experience …show more content…

Also, Mary is remembered for attempting to reverse the Reformation and return England to Catholicism. Some memorable qualities about Mary are she was queen, she wanted to kill any person she had conflicted with, and getting the nickname Bloody Mary. How one should behave around this person, I feel like if someone was with her and talked to her They should be calm, not loud, do what she says. Mary is a very non-loveable person. So, when talking to her don’t be very crazy. Also, remember she is Bloody Mary. The reason why I think that you should talk and act this way around Mary. Is because she is very Dangerous. She wants what she wants. And will not always gets it so she gets mad. And that is why not a lot of people like

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