The Pearl Argumentative Essay

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As American author Dale Carnegie once stated, “We are all dreaming of some magical rose garden over the horizon instead of enjoying the roses that are blooming outside our windows today.” That being said, it is not worth it to dream. I realized this after reading a few books and articles in and outside of English class. It isn’t worth it to dream because dreams don’t produce tangible results, they leave one unhappier than they were before, and dreams are imaginary. To start with, dreams don’t have tangible results. An article from “Time Management Ninja” explains dreams in a different way. The article says dreams are just that...dreams. One would need goals in order to turn their dreams into reality. “Dreams can inspire you, but goals can change your life.” Sometimes with dreams, one would take no action, and they just stay dreams. Dreaming can and will crush them down if they don’t accomplish what they had wished. …show more content…

In the classic novella, The Pearl by John Steinbeck, main character Kino has a dream. Kino has found the ‘Pearl of the World’. His dream is to sell it and make a good deal of money so he can support his wife and son. Kino travels around the town, trying to sell it, but no one offers him enough money. He finally decides to travel to the capitol city to see if he can sell it. Unfortunately, during the long, hard voyage, Kino’s only son, Coyotito, is shot and killed. Instead of resuming their travel to the city, the couple headed back to the town. Kino had this foolish dream, and instead of the riches he had hoped for, he ends up without a

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