The Pearl And Greed Research Paper

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Greed and ambition have been apart of humans lives since we can keep a record of. It is something psychological and therefore something that will never leave change no matter how much we evolve as a society or as a species. This same concept is visible in our everyday lives, and one of the most prominent ways these two attributes are seen is in literature. One of the best examples of this is “The Pearl” written by John Steinbeck, a story of a poor diver named Kino who lived in a society fueled and divided by ambition and greed.In this very same short story there is another character that really emphasizes what The Pearl is about is the Doctor, who was described to be ignorant,cruel and an avarice. Then there is “The Necklace” written by Guy de Maupassant where the poor put up a facade and afterwards want more becoming ambitions in the meanwhile.

Notably, The Pearl is a book that is supposed to be set in a time period prior colonization and outside world influences in Central America. This is all emphasized by the lifestyles people had portrayed in the book and a caste type system where the society was divided by class …show more content…

Skilled in medicine and the only person that could help Kino and his child the doctor turned him down. Not because he was busy or anything but because of the fact that Kino was poor and therefore could not pay. In the story it reads, “It is a little Indian with a baby. He says a scorpion stung it’ The doctor put his cup down gently before he let his anger rise. ‘Have i nothing better to do than cure insect bites for little Indians? Has he any money? See if he has any money!”(11). It is evident that his greed has taken over due to the fact that he doesn't care about the health only about the money and makes sure to emphasize that without money he would not help. His intense desire for wealth causes him to lose sight of what is really important which is helping

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