Declaration Of Independence Dbq Essay

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From the first voyage of Christopher Columbus to the 1650s the United States was on the hands of Europeans. In the years 1400 Spanish came to the United States to convert and govern the Native Americans, and in the 1650 the English arrive and established a dominant government in the United States. These settlements created disputes and the desire of change among the citizens in the United States and others countries around the world. In the documents John Adams of Massachusetts Explains French Interest in American Independence and Cautions against Alliance, The Patriot Thomas Paine Demands Severance from the British Empire, and Declaration of Independence from Major Problems, similarities and differences can be seen in the basics of independence …show more content…

According to the document, the Britain government was becoming more of a tyranny government. The King used dirty methods of politics like gerrymandering in order to have more power over the citizens. Based on the Declaration of Independence, the king ¨…dissolved representative houses repeatedly, for opposing, with manly firmness, his invasions on the rights of the people.¨ Furthermore, according to the Declaration of Independence the king was making the people depend completely on him. Judges were unable to do their jobs because there were controlled. The laws that could benefit the people were completely controlled by this ruler causing the raise of taxes and the destruction of towns and people, all for the praise of protection against the enemies. Additionally, in document The Patriot Thomas Paine Demands Severance from the British Empire, the author emphasizes that the ultimately goal that British have with the United States was to reinforce his kingdom with the work of Americans, not to protect Americans from their enemies. According to Thomas, ¨…she did not protect us from our enemies on our account; but from her enemies on her account…¨ British was only using Americans for the production of their goods that will more likely benefit the economy of the …show more content…

Based to the article the only way Great Britain was going to debilitated was if the United States become independent and alliance with the French to fight against the British. In the document Great Britain had power over almost all the sea and the only way to destroyed was if the United States allied with France to stop the regime of the British governor. Apart of all the power that British gained, French also wanted that the United States were independent and allied with them because the safety and independence were depending on the alliance with the United States and the war against Great Britain. According to the author ¨North America… afforded them so many harbors abounding with naval stores and resources of all kinds…¨ and because of these factors French was unable to defeat England until America was completely untied with Great

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