The Path Of Destruction In Shakespeare's Othello

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The rage Othello displayed on the 22nd has come through again. He is having irrational thoughts and ideas about how to get revenge on his wife, Desdemona, and her supposed lover. His up and down, back and forth emotional wellness is very troubling to me. I worry that he may be a danger to himself and to those around him. “Damn her, lewd minx! Oh, damn her, damn her! / Come, go with me apart. I will withdraw / To furnish me with some swift means of death / For the fair devil.”(3.3.494-497), he rambled on troublingly. Othello has clearly been trying to think of the best way to murder his wife. He is on a total path of destruction, and I don’t know how to stop him or turn things around. When talking about his predicament, he went on to say, “I

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