The Painted Bird Compare And Contrast Essay

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It would be accurate to say that Sigmund Freud in The Future of an Illusion and Jerzy Kosinski in The Painted Bird both take very pessimistic views when it comes to human nature and by association the state of nature. Given their combined sound arguments and experiences it is hard to see how one could find Marx’s ideas in the Communist Manifesto a plausible plan to create a sound and just society. On the other hand is the relatively optimistic John Mill. In his work On Liberty, Mill emphasizes the importance of personal liberty, individualism, and rationality in keeping society fair and just to all people. Combating illusions that would cause people to force their opinions onto others and restrict their rights. Similar to Freud's argument on illusions, and compatible with Kosinski’s ideas of human nature inside of society. Mill’s ideas strike the final nail in Marx’s coffin. Proving that violent rebellion against a ruling minority and forcefully suppressing …show more content…

The Painted Bird’s world gives a view of a world that has given all power to the majority. In Nazi Germany racist ideals saw christian whites taking all power for themselves and doing unspeakable things to the minority once they attained that absolute power. Given this, Kosinski would never agree with Marx’s idea of violently overthrowing the dominant power structure in favor of majority rule . He would also never want to participate in what Marx describes as destroying the established society through revolution. As Kosinski and his protagonist have both seen what the world becomes when society is swept away. Kosinski’s horrific experiences combined with Freud’s insight into human nature make Marx’s ideas to create a just and equal society appear like they would go to instead cause further tribulations for the citizens the Manifesto is trying to

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