The Outsiders Monologue Essay

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Good Morning, Today I will be presenting a monologue about the decision to not go to the rumble by Randy Adderson in the novel, The Outsiders. I couldn’t go to the rumble. No way. Ever since Bob died I’ve grown tired of fighting. It seemed like a good idea at the time; to get drunk and jump some greasers. Hell, it was my idea. My fault Bob is dead. I know I should have gone to the rumble, to support my West side brothers but I couldn’t, not to see more injury and nothing change. I guess after all, I am a coward. Cherry told me that the rumble was the end to it all, but I know it isn’t. A week earlier Bob and I had gone out drinking and we thought it was a cool idea to go jump some greasers. They fought back and Bob was dead. Now they want to have a rumble and I know it won’t change a thing and that people will get hurt and I don’t want that on my conscience. …show more content…

They still would have been where they were before at the bottom and we still would have been the lucky ones with all of the breaks. What is the point? Our fighting was the reason Johnny was in the hospital close to death. At the rumble other guys might have been hurt or killed. I could not do it to them. I already felt guilty for Bob’s death - and his mother: she had a nervous breakdown. I didn’t want to cause more damage. Or be around to see it for that

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