The Odyssey, An Epic

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What makes a story an epic? An epic is composed of many complex parts. An epic consists of an epic hero, an epic plot, epic setting, archetypes, and epic themes. The Odyssey by Homer is the perfect example of an epic because it exemplifies all the factors that make a story an epic. The Odyssey would be considered an amazing epic because it contains an epic hero, has an epic setting, and contains an epic plot. This novel could be considered the best epic there ever was, is, and will ever be.
The Odyssey's main character, Odysseus, is an epic hero because he is brave, intelligent and arrogant, gods intervene in his life, and he was admirable to the people of that time era. Odysseus was brave when he went out to search for the Cyclopes on the islands of the Cyclopes and was not afraid to defeat Polyphemus. Another example of his bravery was when he goes into the realm of Hades to speak to the blind prophet, Tiresias. Odysseus was smart and boastful when he tricked Polyphemus into thinking his name was "no man" and when he eventually told the Cyclops his name "Cyclops, if anyone asks you who it was that put your eye out and spoiled your beauty, say it was the valiant warrior Odysseus, son of Laertes". Another example of Odysseus's narcissism is when Odysseus brags about him being the only one who can string his bow. Gods and goddesses intervene in the life of Odysseus for the better and worse. Since Odysseus blinded the son of Poseidon, he was cursed to return alone and in another man's ship after so many years of suffering. Athena finds Odysseus favorable and helps him return home after many years on Calypso's island. Athena also helps end the feud between Odysseus and the suitor's families at the end of the novel. Odysseus ...

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... finally Odysseus and the suitors' families' dispute ending thanks to Athena. "Odysseus, noble son of Laertes, stop this battle, or Zeus will be angry with you". These gods did not only after of the lives of Odysseus, but also his son, Telemachus. Athena gave Telemachus the courage to seek out Information on where his father may be and to believe that his father was not dead.
Many epics use The Odyssey as an outline for their hero figure, setting and plot. This novel has become an inspiration to many authors around the world. Odysseus is what each hero should be, the many locations this story consist of are what a novel should have and the amazing plot is one all stories should have. The messages behind this novel are countless, the hero figure is admirable, the setting is beautiful, the plot is intricate, and that's what makes The Odyssey the great epic it is.

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