The Odd Couple Play Analysis

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Principles of Acting II Eric Jefferson
Fall 2015
The Odd Couple
Assignment: Play Reaction The Odd Couple
The phrase Opposites Attract should be rephrase, and that’s one thing that stuck with me after witnessing the off Broadway hit The Odd Couple (The Female Version written by Neil Simon, Directed by Tammy O’Donnell) in the Queen Anne Theatre which is located on Prince George’s Community College Campus in largo, Maryland on November 23, 2015. Neil Simon female version of the play, The Odd Couple, displayed how giving someone too much support, can sometimes make a bad outcome. One thing I loved about this play, after experiencing it, was the fact how clear the similarities …show more content…

They were together but yet, so far apart. Olive relationship with her husband impacted her in a big way, for example, at the beginning of the play you can tell that Olive doesn’t clean or cook. The reason for that is probably not because she can’t, it’s because she has no reason too. Knowing that her husband left, truly kept her from doing things that reminded her of him. At the beginning of the play, Olive received a phone call from her husband. The phone call was mainly about Olive lending him some money. Within this scene, Olive (Destiny Williams) objective was to not lend her husband any money, her motivation was to stop letting her husband use her.
One of the tactics Olive (Destiny Williams) used while on the phone with her husband was rejecting. Within the same scene, Olive husband asked for money for the second time, Olive replied “No. I’m not going to let you keep doing this to me.” Overall, she eventually lend her husband some money and failed at her objective. The reason she failed was not because she wasn’t using the right tactics but it’s because of her “Super Objective” in which was to be in love and having the feeling that someone want/need …show more content…

At the beginning of that scene, Jesus (Cameron Isaac) gave Olive (Destiny Williams) some chocolate and told her that it was “no good” but what he was trying to say was “nougat”. Not only did I laughed during this scene, but while watching this scene, it trigger a memory of me mispronouncing a word and it was very humorous for the people around me as like Jesus. I believe a lot of people can relate to mispronouncing a word that’s why this scene (by the audience reaction) is one the most favorite because it’s so relatable and personal.
After witnessing the female version of the Odd Couple, I realize that the support that women have for each other only goes so far until it meets a dead end. Also from watching this play, I learned that some women measure their self value on how much their husband want/need them. I’m not sure if measuring your self value on how much a person want/need you is a good thing but looking at Olive and Florence personality traits, lifestyles, and mannerisms, throughout the play, One can see that letting someone be in control of your self value can make a bad or some may say, a very “Odd”,

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