The Nursing Theory Of Nursing

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Nursing is a complex profession full of challenges and rewards. To grow as professionals, it is important that nurses know and understand the many theory’s that exists in nursing and respect their impact on the profession. It is essential for nurses to learn from past theorist for nursing to move forward. This paper will correlate the philosophy and values of two nursing theorist with a unique perspective of each concept and define the nursing metaparadigm. Personal Philosophy I believe the center of nursing revolves around maintaining a therapeutic relationship with the patient while providing comfort. My belief focuses on an interpersonal relationship that is based on how well the nurse can relate and empathize with the patient. In order …show more content…

• People value good relationships. • People who are comfortable and pain-free respond better. Health Health is a state of personal wellness and optimal functioning, in which a person shows progression toward a goal. This can be a physical or an internal state with development toward personal wholeness. My assumptions about health are: • Health is a personal feeling of wellness and function that is not the same for everyone. • Individuals who are not comfortable with their health seek the support of others. • People who are educated and have resources available tend to maintain better health. Environment Any situation in which a person lives, including internal and external factors that influence a person’s health and affect any aspect of their wellness. My assumptions about environment are: • Poor environment and living conditions affect ones health and wellbeing. • External factors affect healing (noise, light, clutter, fresh air). • It is necessary to change and optimize one's environment to promote comfort and healing, because poor sanitation leads to poor health. …show more content…

Nursing focuses on helping the person achieve a maximal level of functioning. My assumptions about nursing are: • The nurse must develop a trusting therapeutic relationship with the patient in order to act in the many roles of nursing. • Nurses must be able to identify their own limitations to provide an optimal quality of care. • The nurse and the patient need to work together to form a common goal. Correlation to Nursing

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