The Nuremberg Creation And The Consequences Of The Nuremberg Laws

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January 30th, 1933 marked the beginning of the end for the Jews of Eastern Germany. On this day, President Paul von Hindenburg named Adolf Hitler the chancellor of Germany. Hitler’s rise to power was fueled by the people’s frustration that stemmed from the harsh blow of the Treaty of Versailles and the economic downturn of their country (“The Nuremberg Laws”). As a member of the Nazi Party, Hitler believed that as the Aryan race, they were in fierce competition with the Jews for world domination.

The following portion of my introductory paragraph highlights Goal 1 in its divulging the reason for the Nuremberg Laws creation and the consequences of the laws’ power and political upheaval. Goal 5 is dually noted as the development of my paper …show more content…

The anti-Semitic propaganda incurred one situation at a swimming pool in Heigenbruken. About twenty young bathers demanded the Jews there be removed. Arguments with the manager did not bring about their immediate removal, but from then on a sign was placed forbidden the entry of Jews into the swimming area (“The Nuremberg Laws”). In the months after the Nuremberg laws were officially legal, the Law for the Protection of German Blood & Honor and the Reich Citizenship Law were enforced throughout the community. The Law for the Protection of German Blood & German Honor highlighted the importance of the purity of German Blood being maintained. It forbade marriage and sex between Jews and pure Germans, along with the Jewish employment of female Germans under the age of 45. The Reich Citizenship Law deprived all Jews of their citizenship and entitled citizenship to only the Germans who supported the Reich (“The Nuremberg Laws”). Aside from their civil rights being denied, Jews could not perform jobs, attend public school, or even possess wealth, all whilst forced to wear a gold star (“Nuremberg Laws,” USHMM). These laws didn’t stop at those who practiced Judaism; it affected half-Jews and quarter-Jews as well. Someone could have been a Christian, but had Jewish ancestors, and been stripped of the same rights. The racial theorist, Dr. Gercke, argues “…any Christian or Muslim, fifty, twenty-five, or five percent Jewish is classified as Mischlinge. Full Jews are classified as any German with at least three Jewish grandparents (“Nuremberg Laws,” Jewish Virtual Library).” In Hitler’s eyes, anyone who was more than fifty percent Jewish was a lost cause, and would just taint his master

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