The Nuclear Family: The Evolution Of The American Family System

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Do you know what the American Family is? I don’t. American families have changed dramatically over time. The “Nuclear Family”, which is defined as containing a man, woman and their children,was and is regarded as a basic social unit; the seed of ‘The American Family Tree”. But over time this has evolved and modernized into different meanings concerning how people view the traditional American family. The ways the traditional family has modernized include, Stepfamily, Single Parent Family, Same Gender Family, Childless Family, Divorced Family, and many more. These few different types of family systems show how peoples definition of a family in the past and current years in America have changed. The origins of the continuous branching family systems derive from the different values and beliefs. Every family has certain values and beliefs, none of which are the same and by exploring the most common ones we may help people identify values of personal significance. Justice Sandra Day O’Connor wrote in Troxel v. Granville, 530 U.S. 57, that “the demographic changes of the past century make it difficult to speak of an average American family.” ( Day O’Connor Id. at 63.) Due to the mainstream culture that America supplies, ‘The Nuclear Family’ …show more content…

Instead of being one unit, the institution has been in a constant state of evolution since the founding of America itself. Colonial families were productive units that performed a wide range of functions, from teaching basic literacy, religion, and occupational skills to caring for their elderly and sick. Colonial families experienced high mortality rates. Many women and children died. Men remarried. Thus, families consisted of step-relatives, many children, and the elderly.”(Tricia Hussung The Evolution of American Family

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