The Notion of Nature

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Where would humans be without nature? Scientifically, no creature could have ever existed without nature; earth could not have even existed without it. Despite this, people treat the environment in varying ways – some abuse it, while others respect and cherish it. William Golding’s The Lord of the Flies points out these assorted reactions to wildlife. Through the British boys’ characterization, Golding illustrates that humans instinctively react to nature in one of three ways: avoiding nature, harmoniously living with nature, or tyrannically trying to control nature.
Ralph represents people who fear wildlife – they do whatever possible to remain a part of civilization. Who was it that held the conch, a symbol of society and order? Who never voluntarily went out into the forest, unless it was essential for survival? Whose idea was it to focus on making shelters, dragging the rest closer and closer to order? Ralph strives for uniformity. He claims, “…the rules are the only thing we’ve got!” showing that he opposes nature’s unpredictability and lack of rules (p. 91). Untamed...

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