The Nephilim: Corruption In Genesis

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The “Nephilim” are hybrids originating from the copulation between fallen angels and human women. The Bible called these hybrids “giants” and “the mighty men of old.” These hybrids were literally the seed of Satan. The corruption of the human genome was one of Satan’s strategies to prevent the incarnation of Jesus in human flesh. If Satan could corrupt the human genome, then it would be impossible for the Redeemer to be born thus fulfilling God’s prophecy in Genesis 3:15: And I will put enmity between you and the woman, And between your seed and her seed; He shall bruise you on the head, And you shall bruise him on the heel.
There was a literal seed (genetic) war going on between Satan and God before the flood. Satan attempted to corrupt the human genome, hence preventing Jesus from incarnating through the seed of a pure human woman. If Satan would have been successful in corrupting all of humanity genetically, then this would have prevented the “head wound” that will be his demise. The corruption of the genomes of all creation was one of the main reasons for the flood of Noah. The flood destroyed the “seed” of Satan and prevented the complete corruption of the human genome. Not only …show more content…

Some scholars theorize that the wives of Noah’s sons were Nephilim. This allowed the race to survive the flood via the wives. A second theory suggests that Satan and the fallen angels began a program of genetic engineering. A third theory postulates that the fallen angels copulated with human women, as they did before the flood, to produce more human/angel hybrids after the flood. Based on my study of the subject, I think the wives of Noah’s sons were Nephilim.
Noah’s son Ham settled the land of Canaan, which is the “Promised Land” that the children of Israel were given by God. Ham was the “father” of the Nephilim tribes. Note that Moses, under the divine inspiration of God, points out that Ham is “the father of

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