The Negative Images Of Women In Magazines

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Media, especially magazines, is known for taking things out of perspective when it comes to the way they view women. Sometimes they show unrealistic body images or they expect all women to act and look the same way, however things are starting to change and so should the way women are viewed through media. Magazines need to start including plus size women to model, not only to change the way things used to be, but to also give body empowerment to younger girls; they also to present models as who they are without using photoshop to make their bodies into something that can not be achieved. Plenty of women look at magazines daily and notice that there are these models who have great bodies that most ladies cannot achieve, however for a number of magazines they use photoshop to create the …show more content…

In order for women to feel comfortable in their skin, they get this mentality that they need to continuously go to the gym and resort to unhealthy weight losing methods to try and get this desired body type that may not be achievable. Even young girl compare themselves to models shown in magazines, and are scared to become “fat” once them have seen women with a body type that is socially accepted. Throughout history there has been this way that women and young girls are viewed in society, in which if they are not slender, than those ladies are considered unattractive. Media has played a big role in making many women believe that they were not pretty if they did not have a specific body shape, flawless skin, or perfect hair. It never truly showed what these models looked like from a day to day basis. Young girls would see models with these

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