The Negative Effects Of Extreme Dieting And Exercising

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Negative Effects of Extreme Dieting and Exercising
Individuals today want to get fit and stay healthy and there is nothing wrong with doing so. But more often people make the mistake of doing more than what the body can handle. They believe they know what they are doing when it is actually the opposite. Extreme exercising and dieting can have negative repercussions on the body both physically and mentally. From unnatural weight loss to irregular mood swings, today, we will discuss the negative effects of extreme dieting and exercising.
Dieting; if not properly can lead to negative effects on the body both physically and mentally. Several symptoms such as lack of energy or mood swings for example are but a few of the effects. “The first …show more content…

Overexerting the body too much can lead to problems such as heart failure, unnatural weight loss and increases dehydration. “Your levels of cortisol, or stress hormones, tend to increase. It is possible to experience a decrease in testosterone levels, which can have negative consequences for men and women alike. You may also find yourself suffering from a weakened immune system, which can lead to frequent illness.” (The Side Effects of Excessive Exercise Erica Perna 2012) A weakened immune system could lead to catching very dangerous illnesses that could lead to death. She also explains a symptom called Overtraining syndrome which is resulted from extreme exercising and how it mentally affects the body. “If you are not feeling your usual excitement for your fitness regimen or sport, or if you do not feel mentally prepared for exercise or competition, you could be experiencing the psychological effects of overtraining syndrome. You might also experience sleep disturbances, or feel drowsy during the day and unable to rest at night. Similarly, you might feel excessive fatigue, apathy, irritability or hostility.” (The Side Effects of Excessive Exercise Erica Perna 2012) The body cannot handle too much stress or it could lead to a complete shutdown and in worse cases death. We must understand the limitations and make sure to not overdue and form of

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