The Negative Connotation Of Elvis Presley

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Most people view failure with a negative connotation. Society demands that we succeed in everything we do the first time we try. However, this rarely occurs. In considering my favorite failure, I could not help but relate to my own city - Memphis, Tennessee. The King of Rock himself ran into a few bumps in the road in the making of his career.

In the years 1953 and 1954, young Elvis Presley recorded 4 songs at the now legendary Sun Studios. He claimed that he merely wanted to know what he sounded like and use the tracks as a gift for his mother. However, historians tell fans that Presley longed to be discovered. The first songs Presley recorded did not become of anything, and members of the local quartet Songfellows told him he could not even sing after Presley auditioned for their open slot. …show more content…

I have never seen someone who feels passion for doing something not succeed. Passion drives people to work harder and hone their craft - it fuels the fire of creativity. Also, failure helps one to realize there is always room for improvement; you can never learn too much about one thing. Not to mention, failure tends to lead a person in the right direction. Like the saying goes, when one door closes another opens. I would also tell him to never stop chasing opportunity because opportunity does not wait for anyone.

Unbeknownst to young Elvis Presley, he would one day become the King of Rock and Roll. All it took for him to get there was an immense amount of hard work as well as perseverance. No one recognized Presley until he started doing his own thing. Recording late one night, he and already popular Bill Monroe jokingly started singing a blues song just when they were about to give up for the night. The song was recorded and broadcast on a blues radio show. After this one small triumph, Presley’s victories only grew from

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