The Nature Vs Nurture Theory: Nature Vs. Pessimism

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Winston S. Churchill once said that, “A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty”. This statement is true; a huge percentage of people say more than once in their lifetime that something is impossible. Some people, however, find ways to achieve their initial goal. Pessimism roots from the Nature vs. Nurture theory, in which it proposes that how parents raise an individual morally could alter due to the exposure to the environment. If a parent or parents raise that individual to not pursue a goal that seems difficult, it is likely that they will be pessimistic. It also applies if an individual approaches an obstacle and they deal with it by not believing in themselves. This applies …show more content…

In “The Bet”, the Banker explains that "the death penalty is more moral and more humane than imprisonment for life. Capital punishment kills a man at once, but lifelong imprisonment kills him slowly. Which executioner is the more humane, he who kills you in a few minutes or he who drags the life out of you through the course of many years?" "The death penalty and the lifelong imprisonment are equally immoral, but if I had to choose between the death penalty and imprisonment for life, I would certainly choose the second. To live anyhow is better than not at all." (Anton Chekhov, 1-2,5). In this quote, the Banker and the Lawyer are having a discussion to prove that the death penalty is better or worse than imprisonment for life and the Lawyer is very positive with life imprisonment but the Banker is very negative about the subject. When the Lawyer chooses the second option, everyone thought that it is not a happy life he will be living. For the Banker, he is worried, as he is pessimistic about the idea. The Banker thinks that the Lawyer will never be able to win the bet. The bet entails that he must be in prison for fifteen years without having any contact with world but is able to use anything from the world as he likes wine, smoking, and reading books. The reason why he is giving the Lawyer whatever he wants is that the Lawyer would not be able to blame him if he loses the bet, but the Banker …show more content…

In “The Bet”, “Fifteen years before, his millions had been beyond his reckoning; now he is afraid to ask himself which were greater, his debts or his assets. Desperate gambling on the Stock Exchange, wild speculation and the excitability which he could not get over even in advancing years, had by degrees led to the decline of his fortune and the proud, fearless, self-confident millionaire had become a Banker of middling rank, trembling at every rise and fall in his investments,” (Anton Chekhov page 5-6). This line is said by the Banker, who wants to kill the Lawyer because the Banker is bankrupt and cannot give the Lawyer the two million rubles. He thinks negative of the situation he is in because he lost all his money in shares in the market. This is also present in Gatsby, when Gatsby asks Daisy to be with her and she rejects. She only cares about money and that she’s pessimistic of leaving Tom to go to Gatsby, in which she thinks Gatsby has less money than

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