The National Anthem

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We constantly told “Be your own person” , “March to the beat of your own drum”, and “Be a leader and not a follower” but society as a whole is constantly judging the people around us and we automatically pick out the what we perceive as not normal. This constant judging influences our behavior since we are lead to behave in certain ways based on the situations just to fit the norms.These norms that are not strictly enforced are referred to as Folkways. Sees it as the “Right thing to do simply because the gesture of standing shows that we respect the people fighting for our nation and love the country were as sitting shows we don 't really care. An example of Folkways would be standing during the national anthem, although it is not illegal to sit during the national anthem society as a whole along with having norms that are loosely enforced, we have some norms that are strictly enforced because they are believed to be essential core values to the well-being of society know as “mores”. One example of Mores is sex Before marriage within a strict religious groups, even though there are no laws against sex before marriage many religious group see this as a sin punishable by hell. To understand mores better you must first know the definition of “values”. Values are said to be the standards by which people define what is desirable or undesirable. All of these definitions lead to our main topic of social norms. Social norms are the society 's expectations of “right” behaviors. A main reason society follows these norms are because of sanctions; the expression of approval given to one for following norms and also the expression of disapproval for disobeying norms. Norms vary with region for example, in america we have the “peace sign”...

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... for a staff member to approach me. I talked with a polite conversation and asked me if I was training for a show and I replied that I was simply working out like everyone else. He informed me that although it was great that I was working out I had to either change my shoes or leave because I was breaking their safety code and could possibly injure myself. So sadly, my cat walking day at Inshape was over before I knew it. Me in heels at the gym is considered a violation norms, because i simply was breaking the attire dress code for the gym or anywhere else for that matter. At the gym we are expected to be inflexible clothes and tennis shoes and my heels were only appropriate for formal occasions. No matter where I had been I would have been breaking a social norm, because there is yet to be a place that is okay with both workout and formal clothing matched together.

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