The Narrator's Guilt Analysis

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As the beating of the heart prevailed, the fear within the narrator grew to such an unbearable height that he could no longer withstand. As the thumping grew louder, the narrator’s anger grew stronger, but it was much more than anger. The heart beat such a great noise that the narrator feared that someone would soon hear. “In the quiet night, in the dark silence of the bedroom my anger became fear—for the heart was beating so loudly that I was sure someone must hear” (Poe 66). This indicates that the heart functioned as a symbol of the narrator's guilt because commonly guilt is something that can make the heart beat fast and the mind go crazy. The narrator feared of being taken away for his misconduct, but he longed for the eye to be closed …show more content…

The sound became clearer. And still they sat and talked. Suddenly I knew that the sound was not in my ears, it was not just inside my head. At that moment I must have become quite white” (Poe 67). The beating heart indicates how the narrator has nearly gone mad. He no longer believes the beating is in his head, but the murder of the innocent old man is indeed the reason for the continuous raucous he has deceived himself into thinking isn’t his. Despite the fact that the narrator believes the beating heart comes from the corpse which is embedded in the floor, maybe it is his own that comes from the guilt that eats him alive. In accordance to Chua, the beating heart evidently comes from the narrator in result of the guilt that slowly built up inside of him. “Some critics imply that the beating heart is really the sound of the narrator’s own heartbeat. As his excitement, nervousness, and guilt mount, his heartbeat seems to grow louder to his overly acute senses” (Chua 2). The beating heart stands as evidence to how the narrator’s guilt intensifies proving his insanity and corruption. The ongoing beating even after death symbolizes how guilt is inescapable, it is a burden that will forever grasp those who come across its path and never let

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