The N. O. W.: National Organization Of Women

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N.O.W. & C.W. (National Organization of Women) Statement of Purpose The N.O.W. Statement of Purpose was a historic document written to take action against the discrimination of women in all aspects of life in which they are affected. This document was written by Betty Friedan and Pauli Murray to represent the organization and spread their message and goal throughout the United States. Friedan and Murray were the co-founders of the National Organization of Women, founded in 1966 to end sex discrimination and provide women with reproductive healthcare. Murray was a trans African American woman born in Baltimore, Maryland in 1910. She attended Hunter College in New York City and graduated with a degree in English Literature. As a trans woman, …show more content…

Women at the time had a fear of being labeled as “feminists” or losing their supposed qualifications as mothers or their home caretakers, therefore, working women tended to sit on their hands until well into their careers. The source states, “In 1964, of all women with a yearly income, 89% earned under $5,000 a year; of all full-time year-round women workers earned less than $3,690; only 1.4% of full-time year-round women workers had an annual income of $10,000 or more.” The co-founders of the organization, Murray and Friedan, were among the women who were most affected by these circumstances. Murray being an African American woman greatly limited or disqualified her from many job opportunities and industrial positions while Friedan could only work as a housewife and a freelance writer due to her lack of education opportunities compared to that of a man. As a trans woman, Murray was also denied any sort of gender-affirming healthcare, and women as a whole were still deprived access to reproductive healthcare or contraceptives even after the founding of the American Birth Control League in 1921 and the start of commercial production of birth control in the United

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