The Murderous Tybalt

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The play Romeo and Juliet, by William Shakespeare, is a tragic drama about two star-crossed lovers meeting and falling in love. The lovers are members of two opposing families, and it is only through their deaths that the feud ends. In the play, Tybalt’s role is portrayed as Romeo’s foil, and as a malevolent and violent Capulet who is determined to end the Montagues. As the evidence will clearly state, the court should find Tybalt guilty for the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet and he warrants the charge of second-degree murder for the killing of Mercutio, a close friend of Romeo. Even though Tybalt hadn’t planned on taking the life of Mercutio, a charge of second-degree murder is expected as a consequence of Tybalt intentionally taking his life. Tybalt’s choice in this action caused Romeo to act with revenge, killing Tybalt, and resulting in the banishment of Romeo from Verona. This instigates a new plan of action, leaving Juliet alone, which ultimately results in the tragic suicide of both Romeo and Juliet.
Tybalt did not fulfill the cultural role as a royal kinsman in society during t...

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