The Most Important Importance Of Reading And Writing Skills

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No one is born a reader nor a human being is born with reading skills. Man lives in a reading world where he is surrounded by letters and words. Undeniably, there is no single day that man does not read anything. He, perhaps, reads text messages everyday. He reads street signs, signboards and advertisements when he walks down the streets. He reads menus when he orders in restaurants. He reads newspapers when he wants to know the issues happening in the country and throughout the world. He reads non-fiction books or magazines to get better information when he wants to know more about people, places, or things. He does a lot of reading, which is one of the basic requirements, when he studies. Therefore, reading is an indispensable skill which …show more content…

Web sites, books, magazines, newspapers, and even pictures for visual reference, utilize print to share information with the reader (Cimmiyotti, 2013). Huggins and Edwards (2011) necessitate that students need reading and writing skills as well as the ability to communicate and to comprehend in order to use online or print resources. Even social networking requires the use of reading skills. In this regard, through reading man builds a more solid foundation for communication. It is one of the most important tools that he uses every day to connect with the world. Reading also increases the understanding of the rules of life, in order for a man to adapt, adopt and accommodate into the society better. Reading is a lifelong skill. It is a cornerstone for a child's success in school and, indeed, throughout life (Küçükoğlu, 2012). Without the ability to read well, opportunities for personal fulfillment and job success inevitably will be lost. The ability to read well constitutes one of the most valuable skills a person can acquire. Reading achievement predicts the likehood of graduating from high school and attending

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