The Morality Of War: A Utilitarian Perspective

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The Morality of War: A Utilitarian Perspective Explaining the morality of war is a daunting task. The theory behind it has changed countless times and continues to evolve as world politics and technology progress. Two questions that are still argued about today are the responsibility a solider has in participating in an unjust war whether soldiers are required to follow unjust orders. Most war theorists have come to a consensus that soldiers are not morally responsible for participation in unjust wars and those soldiers have a duty to disobey unjust orders. While these conclusion are generally agreed upon not many have look at these questions though the moral theory of utilitarianism. My goal is to do just that and determine how the answers …show more content…

In order to do this a utilitarian needs to be rational and impartial. A rational person can determine the direct, and sometimes indirect, consequences of his actions. They are able to see the happiness and pain that there decision will cause. They may be unable to see all of the consequences of their actions but because they are rational, they can safely determine what will happen. It is not necessary to consider the long term consequences of ones actions unless they are reasonably foreseeable. Impartiality is also necessary because the happiness of each person involved is equal. Without it is hard to argue that a person would correctly assess the consequences of his actions. It is very likely that he would assume his action would cause others less pain than it will or brings himself more happiness than it …show more content…

There are many different situations that could arise but this example provides a good base. You are a member of the military of a just sate that has just entered into a war with the imaginary nation of Tibecuador. For one reason or another just state has not met all the requirements for jus ad bellum and is thus fighting an unjust war. As a member of the armed forces it is your duty to serve and fight the nation of Tibecuador. As a utilitarian you question whether or not it is morally right for you to participate in this unjust war. The first thing you must do is determine your actions . For simplicity’s sake you can either participate or refuse. You go to the conclusion that if you participate you are violating the rights of Tibecuador this seems very grave because utilitarian’s seldom justify infringing upon the rights of others. You are also casing pain and suffering to the people of Tibecuador another consequence that results in a severe amount of disutility. By participating you are also protecting your fellow brothers and sisters in arms and fulfil a sense of duty to your country. As it stand participating in the unjust war cause net disutility. By not participating you preserve the rights of Tibecuador and do not add to the suffering of its people. You also do not support

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