The Mood In The Raven By Edgar Allen Poe

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In “The Raven” by Edgar Allen Poe, Poe uses a variety of words that not only contribute to the mood, but to the overall story. Poe is often known for his dark and creepy vivid use of words, which makes it easy to imagine what’s happening throughout the poem. Poe’s creative word choice in the story contributes to describing the setting, characters and the mood of the story. The moods Poe creates throughout the poem are sad and spooky. The author uses vivid words to describe the mood, such as “grim” on line 46, to describe his mood as sad and depressed. He also uses words like “weary, sorrow, and darkness” which are all found within stanza 1 and 2. These words help Poe create the mood for the reader, which would be spooky and creepy. His bold

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